1.       In accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act 2000 and the Local Authorities (Functions and Responsibilities) Regulations, appointment and dismissal of staff is not a function of the executive.  Standing Orders for General Procedures deal with procedures for appointing employees at Chief Officer level.


2        The functions of appointment, dismissal and related matters for all employees below Chief Officer level shall be dealt with by the Chief Executive and Heads of Service, or such other employees as they may authorise in accordance with the following delegations or such other delegations as may be approved:-










All posts within approved establishment



Making Job Offers/ Approving Contracts of Employment




Filling a post without advertisement in exceptional circumstances


Subject to prior consultation with the Trade Union.



Granting of Leave Concessions




Extending period of sick leave entitlement


Subject to consultation with the Council’s Occupational Health Adviser wherever possible.



Approval of planned overtime payments including employees above spinal column point 33.





Approval of local amendments to National Conditions of Service/General Conditions of Employment.


Subject to expenditure being contained within budget and consultation with the Head of Human Resources.



Dismissal, including during probationary period.


Head of Service concerned in consultation with employees’ side representatives and Head of Human Resources.



Approval of retirement termination of employment due to ill health or permanent incapacity.


Head of Service concerned in consultation with Head of Human Resources and employees’ side representatives and subject to report of the Council’s Occupational Health Adviser.



Approval of voluntary redundancy and voluntary early retirement in the interests of efficiency.


Head of Service concerned in consultation with the Head of Human Resources and employees’ side representatives.



Approval of compulsory redundancy.


Head of Service concerned in consultation with the Chief Executive, Head of Human Resources and the employees’ side representatives.